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android 手机后台播音乐,设置闹钟,打一通电话,挂断电话后,闹钟与音乐同时响起

来源: 开发者 投稿于  被查看 4159 次 评论:213

android 手机后台播音乐,设置闹钟,打一通电话,挂断电话后,闹钟与音乐同时响起



1、import packages:

import com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephony;

import android.os.ServiceManager;

2、增加获取当前Phone Call State的方法getPhoneCallState():

private int getPhoneCallState(){

int phoneCallState = TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_IDLE;

TelephonyManager telephonyManager = (TelephonyManager)mContext.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);

ITelephony telephonyService = ITelephony.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.getService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE));

if (telephonyService != null) {

Log.w(TAG, "getPhoneCallState: mTelephonyService != null");

try {

phoneCallState = telephonyService.getPreciseCallState();

Log.w(TAG, "getPhoneCallState: telephonyService.getPreciseCallState() = " + phoneCallState);

} catch (RemoteException ex) {

if(telephonyManager != null){

phoneCallState = telephonyManager.getCallState();

Log.w(TAG, "getPhoneCallState: telephonyManager.getCallState() = " + phoneCallState);


Log.w(TAG, "Catch exception when getPreciseCallState: ex = "

+ ex.getMessage());


} else {

Log.w(TAG, "getPhoneCallState: telephonyService == null");

if(telephonyManager != null){

phoneCallState = telephonyManager.getCallState();

Log.w(TAG, "getPhoneCallState: telephonyManager.getCallState() = " + phoneCallState);



Log.w(TAG, "getPhoneCallState: phoneCallState = " + phoneCallState);

return phoneCallState;



private boolean canReassignAudioFocus() {

// focus requests are rejected during a phone call or when the phone is ringing

// this is equivalent to IN_VOICE_COMM_FOCUS_ID having the focus

if (!mFocusStack.isEmpty() && mFocusStack.peek().hasSameClient(IN_VOICE_COMM_FOCUS_ID)) {

return false;


return true;


private boolean canReassignAudioFocus() {

// focus requests are rejected during a phone call or when the phone is ringing

// this is equivalent to IN_VOICE_COMM_FOCUS_ID having the focus

if (!mFocusStack.isEmpty() && mFocusStack.peek().hasSameClient(IN_VOICE_COMM_FOCUS_ID) && (getPhoneCallState() != TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_IDLE)) {

Log.w(TAG, "canReassignAudioFocus: return false");

return false;


Log.w(TAG, "canReassignAudioFocus: return true");

return true;

